7 Rehearsal Totes That Will Make Your Castmates Jealous

We thespians spend a LOT of time at rehearsal, so naturally having the right outfit, supplies & bag are very important to us. Whether you want to show off your thespian pride, or a certain flare of Broadway nerdism,
Here are 5 rehearsal totes you will (totes) love:
1. The Thespian GPS
Never get confused on stage directions again, as long as you have this bag. Instructions: Hold bag in hand, walk on stage, look down (look down, Don’t look ‘em in the eye Look down, look down, You’re here until you die)
2. It Sucks To Be Me Tote
Let's face it, complaining is occasionally fun, and sometimes necessary (tech week anyone?) This Avenue-Q inspired tote will activate grins even on those tired long tech-week nights.
3. Break Into Showtunes
A warning isn't necessary, but it's polite. It's safe to say anybody who does musical theatre would appreciate this bag.
4. Thespian Relationship Status
Umm... yeah, enough said.
5. Line?
This can be a direct comment on script memory loss or taken as a bigger metaphor on life in general.
6. Stage Crew
This glow-tape inspired tote throws a big shout out to the stage crew.
7. Theatre Snob
Announce your 'theatre correctness' with this side-taking tote. If you are team "theatre", this is a perfect way to show team "theater" where you stand.
Want more? To view all tote bags CLICK HERE
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